Promoting collaborative research on ideas central to the pressing issues of our time.

HI Funding Opportunities

Faculty Scholars in Residence

The Faculty Scholars program is jointly sponsored by the Institute, the College of the Liberal Arts, and the commonwealth campuses. This program supports faculty research in the humanities leading toward major projects, such as a significant publication. Projects with an interdisciplinary focus are especially encouraged. The Faculty Scholars Program will provide up to eight faculty members with one semester release time from teaching, and a $1,000 mini-grant for research expenses and/or materials.

A Collaborative Model
While we invite individual faculty members to apply, we especially encourage groups of 2 to 3 faculty who plan to work on a single project area to apply together. This group may also invite a graduate student to apply as part of the Graduate Student Scholars program to work with them. Applications that conform to this collaborative model will be given special consideration in the selection of residents.

Application Deadline (2025-2026): October 21, 2024

For more information, please visit the Faculty Details and Application page.

Graduate Student Scholars in Residence

This program will provide up to nine students in the humanities with either one course release in the fall or spring semester (GSR program) or a $5,000 summer award (GSSR program). This program enables students to devote an entire semester or the summer to work on their dissertation project. Students are required to be in residence at University Park for the duration of the grant period.

Application Deadlines:

Graduate Student Summer Residents (Summer 2025): February 3, 2025

Graduate Student Residents (Fall 2025/Spring 2026): March 17, 2025

For more information, please visit the Grad Student Details and Application page.

Collaborative Colloquia

The purpose of the colloquia is to bring together scholars from interdisciplinary fields around a theme, topic, or project. The Institute will function as an intellectual home for up to five groups each academic year, and will provide publicity for events and arrange rooms for meetings. 

Application Deadline (2025-2026): March 24, 2025
For more information, please visit the Colloquia Details and Application page.


Global Humanities Research Impact Grants

The Humanities Institute is happy to announce a new funding opportunity in partnership with The Center for Global Studies at Penn State. Global Humanities Research Impact Grants are now being offered to support Penn State scholars pursuing advanced global humanities research with a grant of up to $5,000 for international research travel.

Application deadline: September 9, 2024

See funding and application details here.


For more information on Humanities Institute Funding Opportunities, please contact us.

814-865-0495 (phone)
814-863-8349 (fax)

103 Ihlseng Cottage
University Park, PA 16802