This program provides up to nine students in the humanities with a one-course teaching release or summer funding, enabling them to devote an entire semester to work on their dissertations. Students are required to be in residence at University Park for the duration of the grant period.

Culture, Love, & Politics: Understanding 20th Century AfroBrazilian Organizing

Spiral Out: A Genealogy of the Coincidence of Opposites in Twentieth-century Art & Literature

The End of the Priest-Patron Relationship: The 13th Dalai Lama and the Tibet-Qing Fallout

Homosociability in Negotiation: Pedro Henríquez Ureña and the Ateneo de la Juventud Mexicana

Speculative Kinship and Coastal Ecologies in East Asia (1970s to the Present)

The (Im)possibility of Immanence: Pantheism and the Ethics of Democracy in American Romanticism