Rhetoric of Air

Debra Hawhee, Jeremy Engels

Debra Hawhee, Professor of English, Communication Arts and Sciences, and Womenโ€™s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Jeremy Engels, Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences


Airways: Respiration, Vocalization, Atmospherics

This reading group, co-hosted by the Arnold-Ebbitt Interdisciplinary Rhetoricians (AEIR), will focus on the recent turn within humanistic inquiry towards questions of airโ€“how its differential flow through bodies conditions the processes of cognition, affection, and being, and how its unpredictable circulatory dynamics resemble and/or infold the movements of discourse and other social forces. Our readings will span a number of disciplines (provisionally including classics, religious studies, Black studies, media theory) and culminate in a final symposium in April 2025 that will consist of graduate student presentations of work-in-progress, practice-based workshops, and a keynote panel.