Promoting collaborative research on ideas central to the pressing issues of our time.

Faculty Invites Events presents: Miriam Libicki

Talk: “A Kind of Resistance: Illustrating Holocaust Survivor Stories”

Tuesday, February 25th at 2:00 pm. Dewey Room, W-043 Paterno Library*

In this session, Libicki will show a detailed deconstruction of the process of building a graphic novel out of interviews and active collaboration with survivors, historians and researchers. She will discuss the unique strengths, as well as challenges, of using comics to depict the Holocaust, and to depict subjective memory in the absence of photographic documentation. A short observational drawing exercise during the lecture will allow participants to experience drawing as an act of memory, of observation, of communication and creation.

Workshop: “Inking the Unthinkable: A sense-memory writing and cartooning workshop”

Wednesday, February 26th at 2:00 pm. 133 Sparks Building

A hands-on memoir comix workshop inspired by educator/cartoonist Lynda Barry’s theories of creative concentration as “deep play,” and writing as “delivering an image.” No drawing experience is needed– we all have more drawing experience than we admit. As Barry says, “People tell me I can’t draw and I say, so what have I been doing for 30 years?”