Global Knighthood: African, Indigenous, and Asian Members in the Noble Military Orders of the Iberian World, 1536-1700
The Hold: Black Femme Formations of Space, Text, and Being in the Long Nineteenth Century
Reading Beyond Reading: Literary Studies and the Problem of Method
Eros beyond Ethics: A Platonic Key to Levinas’ Totality and Infinity
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
TALES FROM THE HOLD – Episode 2: The Last Ship
Towards an Existential-Standpoint Reading of Blackwomen’s Autobiographies Under Apartheid South Africa
Femmes Galantes, Femmes Savantes: Literary Expressions of Women’s Sexuality and Mentorship in the long 18th Century
“Imagining Elsewheres: Speculating the Asian Diaspora in North America, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand”
Geographical Visualities of Race and Health in Antebellum U.S. Culture
The Body’s Memory: Visceral Poetics in Contemporary Arabic and Persian Literature in the Gulf
Power, Diplomacy, and Interdependent Sovereignty in the Choctaw Nation, 1720-1924
Clandestine China: Extraterritorial Violence and the National Revolution Abroad, 1895-1919
Dyeing for the Revolution: Towards an Ethics of Coloring
Repairs Pending: Caribbean Street Poetics and the Decolonial Imaginary
Carried Away? Belief, Truth, and Trauma in the Alien Abduction Phenomenon
Holocaust Horror: A Cultural History
High School Rebels: Black Power, Education, and Youth Politics in the Motor City, 1966-1973
Unravelling the Nation: Criticality and Agency in Contemporary Syrian Women’s Fiction
Deviant Modernity: Transnational Imagination of Crime in Korean Detective Fiction
The Origins, Migrations, and Queer Imaginations of Global Women’s Comics Cultures
A Promise to Witness Faithfully: The Ethics of Complex Communication Across Incommensurable Differences in Lugones and Derrida
Black Cosmo-cologies: Rebirth and Renaissance in the Long Nineteenth Century
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
Fall 2023/Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Gambling History in Twentieth Century Shanghai, 1911-1965
Testimony, Trauma, and Memory in Narratives of the Genocide Against the Tutsi
The Sophistic Gambit: Dale Carnegie at the Origins of Speech Communication
Aesthetics of Displacement: Mexican Artists in the Modern Metropolis 1920-1950
Relational Ethics: On the Meaning of Vulnerability and Interdependence for Moral Life
The Yunnan Chronicles: A Field Guide to Yunnan’s Past
Internal Restrictions on Movement: A Reconsideration
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
Fall 2022/Spring 2023 – Just Transformations
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
Fall 2022/Spring 2023
Humanities in the World Postdoctoral Scholar
Humanities in the World Postdoctoral Scholar
Center & Institutes Humanities Dissertation Release Scholar – Partisans of the Soil: Land, Race, Capital, and Métis Dispossession
Undocumented Times: Rhetorics of a Colonial Moment
Against the American Confederacy: the American Revolution and the Native South
Powers of Fiction: Scholastic Novels and Forgotten Women in Third Republic France (1870 to 1914)
Hermes Hispanus: Iberian Seekers of Ancient Wisdom in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean World
Seasonal Tastes: English Literary and Recipe Culture, 1550-1750
Dignity and Indignation from the Enlightenment to the Arab Spring
The Reel Story of the Euromaidan and Russia’s War against Ukraine
(S)extractivism in the American Tropics: Sex Workers as Reproductive Laborers of National Identities, Sex Tourism, and the Global Marketplace
Speculative Formations: Queer and Trans Communities in the Long Twentieth Century
Silicon Valley Stories: Reckonings, Recursions, and Infinite Loops
Migrants of Germany Unite! Bilingualism, Realism, and Novel Collectivities in Turkish-German Literature
Humanities Dissertation Release Scholar – Twentieth Century Sophistries: Popular Science, Human Manuals, and American Rhetorical History
A Theory of Palestinian American Literature
Humanities in the World/Just Transformations Postdoctoral Scholars
Humanities in the World/Just Transformations Postdoctoral Scholar
Humanities in the World Postdoctoral Scholar
Humanities in the World Postdoctoral Scholar
“We make the sick into men again:” Reconstructing the Masculinist Medical Model of Trauma in World War I France
Sensible Bodies: Race and Sentimentalism in Nineteenth-Century France
Tourner autour du Mahagony: Marooning poetics of Martinican literature
Deportistas! Mexican Women, Sporting Citizenship, and Belonging in Twentieth Century United States
Terraqueous Encounters: Queer and Trans Embodiment and Care in Francophone Literatures of the Indian Ocean and Oceania
Cold War and Sinophone Literature at the Borders
Fantastic Frames: Studio Photography of the ‘Global Chinas’
Remaking the World in the Wake of COVID-19: Pandemic Ethics, Structural Injustice, and Social Change
Slavery after the Civil War: The Slow Death and Many Afterlives of Bondage
Empire Without Bounds: The Louisiana Purchase and the Transformation of the United States
Pilgrim, Pastor, Pauper, Spy: The Case of Pierre de Praxelier
The Rise and Spread of Postmortem Cesarean Operations for Fetal Baptism in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires
The Sonorous City: Sounds and Itineraries of the Colonial Urbanscape in Latin American historical fiction
Digital Colorline: Racializing Informatics and the Black Critique of Technology
At the Limits of the Human Rights Regime: Perpetrator Perspectives in Contemporary Literatures and Visual Cultures
“Does Critical Theory Need Hope?”
Public Humanities Postdoctoral Scholar
Apparition and Abstraction: Maurice Denis’ Visionary Catholicism
Skin Inscriptions: The Tattoo Medium in Contemporary Art
Ravings: Reading, Writing, and Psychiatry in the American Asylum
Disorientation as Resistance: the world-making potential of a decolonial poetics of the human
Humanimal Narratives: Genre and Animality in Contemporary Ethnic Literatures
Scales of Seeing: Spatial Experience in Paris, 1849–1899
Reasonable Agonism: Discontent and Legitimacy in Liberal Democracies
“Activism for Others”: French Feminist and Anti-Imperialist Pamphletary Culture, 1914-1939
Objects of Affection: Intimate Exchanges in Early Modern Literature
Fighting for the Children: Architecture and the Student Body, 1904-1940
Narrating for-the-other: French and Francophone Cinema as Testimony of the Extreme
Dreams and Dream Interpretations in Early Modern Lutheran Communities
“‘Corpus Erat’: Ophelia’s Lyric Flesh.”
Resisting Memory: Anti-Imperialist Tactics of Forgetting in Latin American Contemporary Art
Up the Academy: Cambridge English Studies and the Makings of an Illiberal Education
Mapping Contested Identities in Dominican Art Education: A Critical History
Donatello Architetto: On the Order of Architecture in the Work of Donatello
Beyond the Façade: The Messages Behind Carved Swahili Doors
The clausal architecture in naturally acquired German by adult Korean native speakers
Local Community and University Perspectives of International Service Learning
Le Monde Chinois: Literary Cosmopolitanism in Modern China